


Missouri Boys State

Missouri Girls State

We enjoyed hosting all citizens for the 2023 American Legion Missouri Boys State (MBS) and the American Legion Auxiliary Missouri Girls State (MGS) session. Lindenwood University offers college credit for the successful completion of the MBS or MGS program and has two options for consideration. 请注意,只能选择一个选项, 参与者必须符合以下标准才能获得资格.

Lindenwood University will contact qualified citizens with registration information via email and regular mail following the MBS or MGS program. 以下选项的注册将于 August 4, 2023. If you meet the qualification criteria but did not receive notification from Lindenwood University, please contact us at



  1. 完成整个星期的MBS或MGS课程. Citizens who leave the MBS or MGS program for any reason will not be eligible for college credit.
  2. Actively participate in the academic portions of the MBS or MGS program (special assemblies, 教学学校, 和政府活动). Daily newspapers, 城市和县报告, ballots, and counselor reports will be used to assess each citizen’s participation. It must be evident that the citizen is working to be an active participant by running for governmental/political office, seeking appointments, 支持竞选活动, 为报纸做报道, 为会议做贡献, etc.
  3. 期末考试成绩不低于70%.
  4. Complete an essay and/or chart summarizing and reflecting on what was learned from participating in the MBS or MGS program.

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